Daily Routine
We begin every morning at 7 AM. We open up the garden for all the dogs to go and stretch their legs while we do dog walks and then prepare breakfast and give them their first attention of the day.
The dogs then have their breakfast. We use a very high quality feed (Pyrénées Canin) which the dogs love. However, owners may leave their own food if they so choose. So that the dogs can digest their breakfast, we close the front door to allow them a period to relax in the house on beds, chairs, sofa's. We then re open the doors for them to play outside again. At 1 PM we close the doors and relax and have our lunch (some dogs also have lunch as well) (often dogs do not come in during lunchtime they stay in the garden) Dogs then relax inside or outside (sometimes we close the doors if its very cold outside so dogs are offered regularly to go in or out We also have a sheltered area where dogs can relax in the shade. At nights we offer the same things, food and relax and then outside or inside we have many older dogs who just want to lounge around inside the house over going out. Any dogs leaving are brushed (and washed the day before) at owners request. Please note in cold periods the doors will be kept shut. We will be there to allow dogs in and out as needed. |